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Dynamic loudspeakers
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Sophia™, the newest loudspeaker from Wilson Audio, is the result of the knowledge gained in over a quarter century of building uncompromised audio products for the home and the recording studio. The design objective for Sophia was at once simple and challenging: to build a single cabinet, floor-standing loudspeaker that could provide a level of musical enjoyment comparable to Wilson Audio's mu...[more]

Dynamic loudspeakers

Sophia II

When Sophia was introduced in 2001, it quickly knocked the audio world on its ear, collected rave reviews in all sectors of the audio press, and achieved a kind of cult status.It is no small thing to improve upon something so special as Sophia. The design team knew that in developing Alexandria X-2, MAXX Series 2, and the new Duette, they had uncovered new technologies that, if applied to Sophia, ...[more]

Dynamic loudspeakers

Sophia III

Dave Wilson once observed that, when the original Sophia was launched in 2001, it was inevitably described in the audio press as Wilson Audio's "entry-level" floor-standing loudspeaker. While Sophia remains Wilson's most affordable floorstander, focusing on price obscures an important fact—which was that price was incidental to Sophia's actual design object...[more]

Dynamic loudspeakers

System 8

The loudspeaker practically synonymous with Wilson Audio, in continuous production since 1988, has entered into its Series 8 iteration with its own bold proclamation: you can have beauty and accuracy. Or more precisely, you can have the visceral and emotive experience of live music, which is the sum of myriad cues—some measurable, others essential to making the hairs on the back of your neck tingl...[more]

Dynamic loudspeakers


The WATT is the original precision, compact high-end loudspeaker, a highly specialized location monitor. The Puppy is a fast, powerful woofer. Together, they fill your room with dynamic, full-bodied, shockingly lifelike music, or outgun any speaker of comparable size in a home theater system. It’s no accident that the WATT/Puppy performance comes in a compact design, and with our trademark Wilsong...[more]

Dynamic loudspeakers


Wilson's unique materials research has led to the first new WATT cabinet in its 17-year history. For the first time, the Puppy has a new driver. And to better integrate the two, countless hours were spent refining the crossover. The changes appear subtle; the difference they make is not. In terms of resolution, coherence, bass speed and impact, an already great loudspeaker has been raised to a...[more]

Dynamic loudspeakers


Dynamic loudspeakers


You can’t argue with success. The fact is, the X-1 Grand SLAMM is the most highly regarded loudspeaker system in the world. Designed to provide the most linear, distortion-free presentation ever, the X-1 has become the undisputed leader in loudspeaker performance. At Wilson Audio, we understand that the best products start with the most complete vision, and are built with the best materials. As...[more]

Dynamic loudspeakers
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